The Peru Fair is the product of many months of planning and tireless effort by a group of volunteers from the Town of Peru. The Committee that plans the fair is made up of some 10 individual volunteers who are passionate about maintaining this community event year after year. The success of the fair is attributed not only to the vendors who participate, and the visitors who attend but most importantly to the people who give their time and energy towards its success. This past year we had approximately 100 individuals who helped make 2022 another hugely successful fair year. Peru is a very small town with a very big heart. The proceeds of the fair are donated to the Peru Town Scholarship Fund. This fund donates financial gifts to each Peru child who pursues further education beyond high school, providing a necessary boost to our younger generation.
The Committee would like to thank you all. We could not do it without you.
If you wish to offer your services as a volunteer, please click below or contact the Committee at perufair@gmail.com.